"Your father was a damn fine man"…"Oh son, he was a good one"…"You take
care son" I found it a bit annoying that at my fathers funeral I kept on
being called son. What a load of shit. You hear tales of folks "coming
out of the woodwork" when you win the lottery and I reckon to some souls
a funeral is like winning the lottery. They awoke and thanked their
good Lord for another day and found out that ole Angler down the street
had passed away. "Well praise be the good Lord, it wasn’t me" They have
images of the Lord scratching off that silly silver flake and just by
chance ole Anglers name appeared before theirs. But the moment their
boot laces get hung up on the gas pedal or the sandwich they chose
didn’t come with mayo they curse that good Lord who just gambled with
their little souls. So there’s father hiding in the box we picked out
all those days ago and I’ve grown bitter and stale towards the soft
hands swallowing my palms. I smell the beer on my uncles necks and I
watch my sister pinch her leg in some sad attempt to cry. She hasn’t
cried in years, dad knew and he wouldn’t mind her dry eyes but of course
mother took offense to the lack of tear stains down her acne ridden
cheeks. so there’s father sleeping in the box we picked out all those
days ago and I’m gonna miss his hairless legs and the way he pointed at
me when I farted at the table. "Son? do you need to go wipe" and if
you’re the kind to say words of prayer, you mind saying one or two for
me. I’d say thanks but my dad said thanks were used a little to often
and man ought to really think about being thankful before spreading it
out like wildfire.
wildfire. he said that’s what my mother
tasted of. I kissed my mom while she slept once. I anticipated the world
to set a blaze but all I felt was cracked lips and aim toothpaste. I
reckon a father can only taste the flames on your mothers lips.
I love you.